Disability Care

A Place for Everyone with All Different Abilities

We are excited to have you at Brooklife!

People with disabilities of all ages are welcome to be a part of our church. Or better yet, people with all kinds of different awesome abilities! 


Join The Disability Care Team


You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.  Psalm 139:13

Autism Parent Support Group

Are you a parent or caregiver of an autistic child looking for support, community, and information in a faith-based setting? This group will be structured to allow for open discussion on faith-based books, articles, and practices surrounding autism. The group meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 8:45-9:45am. You are welcome to join us at any time; just stop by the Welcome Center when you arrive, and we will help you find the room. Email us if you have any questions. 


Sunday Morning Buddies

We can provide a buddy for your children while they learn about God and have fun in Kidlife during the 10:30am service.

I'd like a Buddy for my child


Special Friends Community

We would love to connect you with our Special Friends Community who will love, encourage, and support you and your family. Email us to be added to our list and be notified of the upcoming opportunities for you to connect with others while having fun.

One Special Night

One Special Night is a magical prom experience for young adults with special needs. Prom is on Saturday, May 3, 2025 at 5pm. You can find more details here


Hearing Impaired

We are equipped with a Hearing Loop to assist with hearing aids. Hearing aid listeners – switch the hearing aid or cochlear implant to the telecoil position. Those without a hearing aid can request a headset/receiver.

Learn more about Hearing Loop